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  • Writer's pictureDean Huyck

Grateful Reflections from a Summer Morning Walk

This morning’s extended meditational walk kept bringing me back to the idea of Gratitude. On such a spectacular July morning it’s easy to find things to appreciate and be grateful for. However, it’s reveling in these ideal conditions that sometimes gets in our way as we fall back on that if/then formula for Happiness that society force feeds us. Nonetheless, it’s great to get out on a day like this and truly Pay Attention to all the wonders around us… to really look deep inside the world and yourself for all the magic. After all, you can’t be grateful for something you don’t even notice. It’s the noticing that trips us up.

The brain we have that navigates us through the world was designed for a very different existence. We have evolved socially and technologically much faster than we have neurologically. Essentially, our brain belongs to a plains dwelling primate that was an active participant in the food chain. We certainly weren’t at the top of that chain or fully removed from it as we are now. Consequently, we aren’t so much in the possession of an amazing problem solving brain as we are a problem finding brain. A brain designed to keep us safe by first noticing all the dangers in every new scenario. It’s this hard wired safety mechanism that has us a society of complaint heavy, anxious people. The good news is you just have to be aware of this tendency and actively work to counteract it… with Gratitude. As I did this morning, go out of your way to find the wonders that are present each and every day for us but fail to take notice of. Deeply feel the Gratitude that you have been gifted this moment to experience them. Look for the amazing and ignore your inner ancestor telling you there may be a predator behind that beautiful tree. When you find yourself complaining, grab that ancient plains dweller by the wrist and perform some mental judo by immediately looking to express appreciation instead. It all takes some effort and diligence but you will be so much happier for it.

With that, I will now walk my talk, go outside and truly look around me so I can celebrate all the little things that make the whole journey such a treat. I hope you will do the same.

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