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  • Writer's pictureDean Huyck

Hey Teachers! Did you hear Gord?Indigenize this September!

Over 11 million people tuned in to watch the last ever Tragically Hip show.

It was a powerful and moving show that brought people together across the country, and everybody is talking about the moment when lead singer Gord Downie sent us a clear message about our relationship to First Nations.

“We were trained our entire lives to ignore, trained our entire lives to hear not a word of what's going on... And what's going on up there ain't good. It's maybe worse than it's ever been… It's really, really bad, but we're going to figure it out, you're going to figure it out.''[1]

I'm putting it out there to educators to be at the vanguard of responding to this message.

With Gord’s call to action echoing across the country, here are some places to start. Check out the resources below, or share them with others in your community.

Imagine if all 11 million of us who heard Gord’s call to action took the time to understand this country’s painful past. Imagine if all of us understood how the legacy of residential schools and colonization continues to shape the lived experience of Indigenous communities. Imagine if all of us learned what we could do to support the struggles of Indigenous peoples fighting for justice.

Our future, as people living all across this land, will be so much stronger if we’re able to deepen our understanding of our shared history and take collective responsibility for building a country based on mutual respect and recognition.


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